by Grant Brookes | Sep 26, 2023 | Farrier, Farrier in Lancashire
Finding a professional farrier able to look after your horse’s shoeing and hoof care needs takes time. You should choose someone whose experience you trust and you should be able to fully trust them with your horse’s hoof care. Dion Clegg is a highly experienced...
by Grant Brookes | Sep 5, 2023 | Horse Shoeing
If you own horses in Lancashire, you’re likely aware of the important of proper horse shoeing services and the need for professional hoof care. Horses rely on their hooves for stability and mobility, making it imperative to keep their hooves in top condition....
by Grant Brookes | Aug 22, 2023 | Farrier, Horse Shoeing
If your horse or horses are shoed then you already know the importance of maintaining their shoes and looking after them. On average, hooves tend to grow about 1/4 to 3/8 inch every month. Given that an average hoof measures 3-4 inches in length, horses essentially...